Frequently Asked Question
Refund Policy
Last Updated 7 years ago
Before buying or subscribing to Image to Text subscription plan, please test the app. Although we are confident about the accuracy of our OCR app, it is your responsibility to test the accuracy of the app along with other features like Smart Correct and translation.
Subscription Services
Image to Text subscriptions may be cancelled at any time. If you cancel your subscription before your trial period ends, you won't be charged.
In most cases, you will be having 7 days free trial without any charges to enjoy unlimited premium features. You can cancel any time during this period if you aren't completely satisfied. In addition, you have the opportunity to test the accuracy of the app without subscribing or buying the app. We’re unable to issue a refund for past charges, or for any time remaining on your account.
One-time Payment
Due to the nature of how one-time payment works, we offer refund of users who chose to buy the app with a one-time payment plan within the first 14 days only from the date you purchase the app.
If you believe you deserve a refund, please contact us and provide us with all the necessary information and mention why you should get a refund. We also require the Google Order Number that starts with GPA followed by 13 digits. Without this number, we won't be able to help you.
Subscription Services
Image to Text subscriptions may be cancelled at any time. If you cancel your subscription before your trial period ends, you won't be charged.In most cases, you will be having 7 days free trial without any charges to enjoy unlimited premium features. You can cancel any time during this period if you aren't completely satisfied. In addition, you have the opportunity to test the accuracy of the app without subscribing or buying the app. We’re unable to issue a refund for past charges, or for any time remaining on your account.
One-time Payment
Due to the nature of how one-time payment works, we offer refund of users who chose to buy the app with a one-time payment plan within the first 14 days only from the date you purchase the app.If you believe you deserve a refund, please contact us and provide us with all the necessary information and mention why you should get a refund. We also require the Google Order Number that starts with GPA followed by 13 digits. Without this number, we won't be able to help you.